marry: vt.1.结婚;娶;嫁。2.使结婚〔用被动语态〕;把…嫁出;使娶媳,使成家。3.(牧师)主持结婚礼;证婚。4.使结合;【航海】把(绳子的两头)编在一起,捻成一条。短语和例子He married his daughter to a farmer. 他把他的女儿嫁给一个农民。 a ditty married to a beautiful air 小调配上优美的乐曲。vi.结婚。
It is sometimes very difficult to estimate the taste of the audience . the success of marrying the mafia 观众的口味有时真的很难捉摸,黑帮千金要结婚在票房上的成功,相信令不少人大跌眼镜。
It is sometimes very difficult to estimate the taste of the audience . the success of marrying the mafia is probably a surprise to many film critics 观众的口味有时真的很难捉摸, 《黑帮千金要结婚》在票房上的成功,相信令不少人大跌眼镜。
It is sometimes very difficult to estimate the taste of the audience . the success of marrying the mafia is probably a surprise to many film critics 观众的口味有时真的很难捉摸, 《黑帮千金要结婚》在票房上的成功,相信令不少人大跌眼镜。